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crypto courseS


Many novices can come into the crypto space and get scammed, creating feelings of distrust and, ultimately, reasons to avoid crypto altogether. This is one problem $LGBT is aiming to solve. Our beginner-friendly crypto courses aim to remove the intimidation aspect of cryptocurrency by replacing it with hands-on knowledge, explaining to and teaching individuals how and where to start their cryptocurrency journey.

Free To Play

Weekly Sports Contests

Our online Sports Contests are completely free to play and offer zero risk to you. We conduct contests for most major UFC/MMA fights, most primetime NFL games and other major or requested Sport events. To play you just need to join our telegram and look for through the pinned messages for any current Contests. Winners are paid in $LGBT.

crypto course

Women's Group

Having a dedicated online crypto group & courses for women such as CryptoBela allow the crypto community to expand by focusing on a safe space. Women in crypto can discuss crypto projects and build financial knowledge in the community while sharing aspects of the space that are specific to them.

Conservative club

Conservative Crypto

Our Conservative Web3 Club is the Home of Conservative Crypto and a great place to ask any and ALL QUESTIONS you may have regarding crypto in general or even specific coins and tokens. They do not have to be related to $LGBT. We want all Patriots to gain financial freedom.


Bianca is an experienced Hawaii-based business owner and educational trainer who facilitates leadership and educational workshops for campuses and companies worldwide. Bianca has taught over 1,000 people from 15 different countries and now brings her educational experience into the crypto space, partnering with us to create CryptoBella where crypto courses for women are offered. This online community focuses on creating a safe and supportive space where women can ask questions and learn from one another.